2018 Just Space Alliance is founded
Type - Title - Date - "Fact" - relevance - description - More thoughts - Know More - sources
Type: Space Ethics Community
Date Founded: 2018
Relevance: An organisation promoting an ethical future for space
Description: "The JustSpace Alliance was co-founded by Erika Nesvold and Lucianne Walkowicz, two astronomers who connected over their mutual hope for an inclusive, ethical future, both on Earth and beyond." Erika produced and hosted the 13-episode Making New Worlds podcast, which explored the ethical issues involved in settling space.
"The mission of the JustSpace Alliance is to advocate for a more inclusive and ethical future in space, and to harness visions of tomorrow for a more just and equitable world today." "We bring interdisciplinary expertise to tackle challenging questions at the intersection of space and society."

More thoughts: The latest news on the site as per 5/10/21, was from 2019. The site is mainly active on twitter https://twitter.com/JustSpaceOrg
Know More: -pending-
Source: https://justspacealliance.org